Post-Divorce Modifications

Post-Divorce Modifications Attorney

The parenting plan set forth in your most recent court order, should have been based on the interests and needs of all involved parties, at the time when it is originally signed by a judge. 

However, as circumstances change over your lifetime, post-divorce parenting plans may become necessary. A shoe that once fit, will cease to fit once the foot grows.

Changes in life requiring a modification of parenting plans, may include changes in income, health, ability to provide child care, residency, and work schedule. 

Because the law requires that there be a “material and substantial change” to the circumstances of any party to the parenting plan; modify the parenting plan in a prior order, may not be as simple as it sounds.  It requires legal knowledge and creativity that comes with experience. 

At San Marcos Family Law, we have 32+ years of experience as post-divorce modifications attorneys in successfully updating these plans. 

Our efforts when thinking about child custody changes after divorce, always begin with the same intent; protect the child’s interest.  We begin by crafting a plan that tells yours and your child’s story, and show how modification of the existing parenting plan will not only conform with your existing circumstances, but will also protect your child’s physical and emotional well-being. 

In short, your current parenting plan should reflect your changing family and growing needs. At San Marcos Family Law, we can take a close look at your new life circumstances and help you determine if any changes may be necessary to your current parenting plan. Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation.

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